Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An Unjournal Preview!

After a long and determined journey, the ChildLit GSA is really excited to present an introductory look at our new journal, The Unjournal of Children's Literature. The children's lit grad students at SDSU have worked tirelessly -- especially in the last month -- to pull this endeavor together. Despite setbacks that always seem to pop up at the most inopportune moment, we are thrilled to give you a glimpse into what's in store, right in time for the ChLA Conference this week!

The Unjournal is set to showcase budding voices in the field of children’s literature, hopefully encouraging emerging scholars to pursue their passion of children’s literature, while also attracting a wide readership: established scholars (of children's lit and otherwise), writers and artists, and children's lit enthusiasts of any kind.

Part of the unjournaling process includes a more unconventional system of "publishing" an issue -- pieces will be shared over the course of many months, culminating in a large collection of works. These works will include a diverse assortment of material; articles and book reviews will certainly be featured, but so will notable interviews, lots of artwork (illustrations and child-themed pieces), and down the road some curious eclectic articles as well. It will also be an interactive experience, with a live twitter feed and discussion comments to figure in the mix.

Expect the first batch of the inaugural issue to be published soon, but for now explore the site, at least to take in an excerpt of Dr. Jerry Griswold's interview with the editors. We hope you'll enjoy this unjournal 365 days of the year.

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